“The teacher will not be a book that is read aloud, the same for everyone, no matter what his (the student’s) nature and character. The first duty of the teacher is to help the student to know himself and to discover what he is capable of doing. For that he must observe his games, the activities to which he is drawn naturally and spontaneously and also what he likes to learn, whether his intelligence is awake, the stories he enjoys, the activities which interest him, the human achievements which attract him… The old method of the seated class to which the teacher gives the same lesson for all, is certainly economical and easy, but also very ineffective and so time is wasted for everybody.” The Mother
and is intrinsically related to the behavior expectations of Teachers in and out of the classroom. A brief description of the same envisaged for the BBIT Public School is outlined in this section.
Overall it is imperative for teachers and the management to provide a school climate where learning can flourish and teaching methodology plays a key role in creating the same. The following key elements are incorporated in the BBIT Public School teaching methodology:
Constructivist teaching is based on the belief that learning occurs as learners are actively involved in a process of meaning and knowledge construction as opposed to passively receiving information. Learners are the makers of meaning and knowledge. Constructivist teaching fosters critical thinking, and creates motivated and independent learners. This theoretical framework holds that learning always builds upon – ‘schema’ – knowledge that a student already knows. Since all learning is filtered through pre-existing schemata, constructivists suggest that learning is more effective when a student is actively engaged in the learning process rather than attempting to receive knowledge passively. The wide variety of methods based on constructivist learning theory rely on some form of guided discovery where the teacher avoids most direct instruction and attempts to lead the student through questions and activities to discover, discuss, appreciate, and verbalize the new knowledge.
Introducing a Constructivist methodology therefore, will ensure that teaching starts from what children ’know.’ Existing knowledge of students will be used as ‘scaffolds’ of learning to the next step. This will ensure ‘student-centric’ participatory and interactive learning and help students to become confident learners. In the classroom therefore:
Teachers will be child friendly, tolerant, educated, well-groomed, caring, energetic and hardworking. They will be role models for the students and parents. They will therefore strive to achieve excellence in speech and knowledge, flexibility in their interactions with students, and enthusiasm in their dealings with all matters related to education and schooling.